We'd like to take time in the month of October to express our support for women whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. It is a sad reality that few people in this county have escaped the pervasive effects of a breast cancer diagnosis, either their own or someone they love. Though women are 100 times more likely than men to get a breast cancer diagnosis, it does happen to men, too, and they also undoubtably know someone who has received this life changing diagnosis. For these reasons and so many more, October is the perfect month to reassess how we can best help in the fight to end this terrible disease. Each action you take matters, each dollar you raise is important and each person you lift up can make a world of difference.

Wear Pink!
Since the mid-1980's, pink has been the color of choice to show your support for breast cancer. These days, you see pink everywhere in October: in the ubiquitous pink ribbons, on t-shirts at walk-a-thons, and even incorporated into NFL teams' uniforms. So it's time to join in the fun and wear some pink of your own! A'nue will donate 10% of all proceeds on our select A'nue Miami styles in the colors Ballet Slipper, Raspberry and Rouge (see collection here), but you can find lots of additional ways to brighten your outfit with some pink accessories. Grab some pink high tops from Converse & express yourself in a fun and playful way. Wear a pair of fun pink earrings or a beautiful necklace. You can even find pink socks on Amazon - short and sporty or high & bold - pick your favorite style. It will brighten your day and let others know you care.

Make sure you're healthy and cancer-free.
Has it been a while since your last mammogram? Let this be your official reminder to schedule that appointment. Mammograms aren't exactly comfortable, but the ability to catch breast cancer early is priceless. Most forms of breast cancer are much easier to treat when found at an early stage. Here's a link to how to perform a breast exam by breastcancer.org (https://www.breastcancer.org/screening-testing/breast-self-exam-bse ). Since you know your body best, getting in the habit of doing a self exam will allow you to notice any changes before you're due for your next mammogram. Other tips for staying healthy and reducing your risk of cancer include quitting smoking, lowering stress, exercising and eating lots of fruit and vegetable as part of a balanced diet.

Find your own way to donate to the cause.
There are many reputable organizations helping women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and they can use your support. You can raise funds for a local or national organization by any number of fun events. Try partnering with a local restaurant willing to give a percentage of their receipts on a given night, and then spread the word to all your friend to eat at that establishment. Start a fundraising campaign on a website like Gofundme.org to defray some of the treatment costs for a friend or neighbor. Host a pink pickle-ball tournament where everyone chips in $20, and half of the kitty goes to the winners while half goes to a breast cancer organization. Your turn to get creative and see what works best for fundraising in your neck of the woods!
This October, we challenge to you think pink and do all you can to raise awareness and increase support for those dealing with breast cancer. Thank you!